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Want Inspired Employees? Hire A Coach Not A Manager


We all know that a manager who can continuously motivate and inspire employees is a priceless asset to any organization, but what does this manager possess that others seem to lack?

The time has come to put out to pasture the traditional image of what a manager is. The out of date, hands-off boss who simply delegates and reprimands just doesn’t cut it in work culture today. Employees want to know that their opinions and concerns matter.

If you are looking to fire up your workforce and get them excited about your vision, you need to find a coach in managers’ clothing. Curating motivation can make all the difference when it comes to increasing revenue for your business.

The Difference Between a Manager and a Coach

Managers who coach others to reach new personal and professional goals cultivate a spark within their employees which results in an avid team who is ready for anything. This motivation creates a ripple effect of positive productivity in the workplace.

On the other hand, you have the manager who may just go through the motions day in and day out. Little attention is given to providing the tools and support needed to accomplish goals. When questions are asked this manager can barely veil apathy in his/her responses. This leaves employees feeling demotivated and unenthusiastic.

How Two Types of Managers Engage With Team Members

Manager 1: Follows policy, but is more hands off when it comes to team member engagement

has a clear picture of his or her team objectives and reiterates them at regular team meetings and within group emails. This manager will generally have minimal personal engagement with team members, only conducting one-on-one meetings when there is a problem with productivity or glaring problems between employees. Manager 1 conducts the annual review as prescribed by HR policy with little touching base throughout the year. They have no idea how any of their members operate and  This manager has an expectation that each of his employees will follow directives and feel grateful for having a job but has little desire to know them as people.

Manager 2: Regularly engages with his team members regularly

Manager 2 has a keen idea of what makes each individual employee tick and, as a result, know how to inspire them uniquely. Manager 2 is an avid listener, open to ideas, input, and constructive suggestions about how to enhance the workplace environment. Work objectives are not only articulated but are followed up with ongoing engagement to see if the team has hit any obstacles.

How These Two Types of Managers Motivate

Manager 1: Uses out of date methods to keep their workforce afloat

Often these methods are negative motivators (i.e., If you don’t reach sales goals your job is in jeopardy). There is nothing really innovative about Manager 1’s tactics. They simply just list sales and production goals that one is just supposed to be inherently driven to achieve.

Now and then, Manager 1 may have their team engage in some cookie cutter team-building exercise, but it is evident by his or her body language and lack of enthusiasm that the exercise is just something the higher-ups have told management to implement.

Manager 2: Engages the team with vision, purpose and creativity

This manager understands how powerful a sense of loyalty to a mission can be, especially when paired with a social cause that engages the team on a heart and soul level.

Together, the team and Manager 2 set incremental goals and benchmarks.

Manager 2 may set up extracurricular activities where the team can bond in a casual setting. These activities are genuinely centered around his employees’ best interest as well as his own.

Manager 2 may also may schedule employees to attend informative conferences in order to encourage new and productive practices. They also have the ability to keep the momentum alive post conference.

How Managers Handle Change

Manager 1: Uses a dogmatic approach when getting the team to accept a new procedure

Think about when a child asks their mother why they have to do something and her response is, “Because I said so.” Often changes in procedures or policies are simply foisted on the team via a memo or at a meeting with little opportunity for discussion. The message is basically, we are doing it this way from now on. That is then followed by some scripted jargon, possibly some statistics or research regarding the change.

Manager 2: Sees change as an opportunity for growth out of static comfort zones

They utilize this to push employees forward towards excellence. Manager 2 respects the team’s questions, concerns, and input. He will probably even sit down to discuss them at length.

Manager 2 speaks clearly, articulating the positive benefits of the change and how it can move the company closer to realizing its purpose and mission. As the change is being implemented, Manager 2 checks with team members to see if they have the resources and support they need to be successful with the transition.

How many votes for Manager 1? None?

Manager 2 is the kind of leader that can inspire employees and drive the company as a whole towards greatness.

To really make a difference in the overall level of engagement and enthusiasm of your employees you must make it a top priority to bring in managers with a proven track record of effective workplace leadership.

If the management candidate does indeed possesses these qualities it will be evident by the success stories they can point to while interviewing; increased productivity, workplace satisfaction, and earned respect are ideal leadership traits. Look for these when hiring a manager and watch your company thrive!

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